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Visual Designs

8 Nov

I’m a developer or consultant, either way designing isn’t usually my thing. But I thought it would be fun to come up with something for this intranet and our chosen “theme” to the design was going to be windows 8. The reason for the windows 8 type theme is that all of the IT students are going to be using windows 8, so it will go nicely and gives us some colours etc. to work with (instead of using the institutes colours).

So with my colours chosen for me already and a square theme, even I can design!

Home Page

Here’s the home page, as you can see its very square with lots of white space, and amaaaazing colours! love lots of colours…

Course Page

The other pages will have a left hand nav which will be orange, corresponding to the orange colour in the left side on the home page. There is also a grey bar at the top identifying the current site name, or course in this case.

Fun Zone

Simple 🙂

IT Support

A little more colour in this page in the recent issues. This will help users identify what has been resolved or not.

Now that the visuals are done, my HTML cutter uppera will cut this nicely for me to implement soon. So in the mean time I will finish the SharePoint install and start documenting what we need to implement for the solution, configuration wise (maybe do some powershell too yay).